First of all, let’s say that Holy Easter is one of the five tabernacle holidays of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Dedicated to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the eve of Easter, a candlelight vigil is held in the church…
A red egg is painted as a symbol of fruitful life, salvation and joy. Grigor Tatevatsi considered the egg the symbol of the world. the outer shell is the sky, the membrane is the air, the albumen is the water, the yolk is the earth. And painting it red means that the whole world has been redeemed by the blood of Christ…
It is believed that the use of eggs was transferred from the Jews to the Christians, because a boiled egg was also placed on the table of the Passover holiday along with the meat of the Easter lamb. According to one tradition, Mary Magdalene went to Rome to preach. Presenting himself to Emperor Iberios, he presented him with a red egg and announced. “Christ has risen”…
By dyeing the egg red, we announce that the whole world was bought with the Blood of Christ, and with it we preach our salvation. The egg also symbolizes Hope, because it is still an egg, not yet a hatchling. And the Easter egg symbolizes the hope of our resurrection…
An egg is born twice, the first time when the hen lays it, and the second time when the chick hatches. A person is born twice. the first time from the mother, and the second time from the Baptismal pool..
Man’s first birth is formless because of death, like an egg, but when Christ sprinkles His life-giving Blood on us, He resurrects us as living kittens.