Ara Martirosyan and Hayko…
Friends, as you know, Ara Martirosyan passed away yesterday. We present to your attention a letter written by Ara to his close friend Hayko, which he wrote days after Hayko’s death…
My friend, a serious illness took you from us and took you to heaven. I remember that he often said to me: “Darling, don’t worry, everything will be fine. Darling, stretch your back once in a while, everything is temporary..
You didn’t let us feel sad or helpless at least around you. Unfortunately, you were right, but you were right partially. You too passed, you left, but what You did, Your trace will never pass..
Sooner or later, we will all come to You. How much I will feel the need for you, Hayko dear. I don’t want to write anything more because I’m choking on tears. I will say only one thing..
Heaven, bless you. And already today, Aran went to join his friend and enrich the sky..