“In RA-EU relations, the security component is the most important, because they talk about it a lot. Nevertheless, it should be noted that at this historical stage, when a rather sharp conflict is going on between the West and Russia, turning into a war, the former balancing policy is no longer working, and we have to take sides. As painful as it may be, Armenia also has to make an extremely important choice in terms of perspective, being either on the side of the West or on the side of Russia,” said Ter-Abrahamyan.
According to him, the other problem is what the Armenian side demands in exchange for the said election. According to him, the relations with the West are developing, but there is an impression that our expectations are not clearly stated, that is, the corresponding problems and demands are not set.
“The West says that we should recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in order to solve the problematic problems, but we do not set specific problems as to what we will get in return and how we will actually maintain our security. There must be the awareness that even with the support of the West, we ourselves must solve the issue of our security by our own forces, because no one will come and fight for us instead of us. Unfortunately, this consciousness is not so rooted in us. The dangers are right here. If there is no such realization, then one day the cooperation will simply collapse, and they will again say that we put our hopes on the West, but nothing came of it. In other words, it is necessary to talk with the West, not to accept it as a politburo,” explained the political scientist.
According to Ter-Abrahamyan, the deployment of European observers on the border of Armenia or the supply of weapons to our country are auxiliary measures in terms of security.
“Of course, it’s good, but we have to decide in advance what kind of army we will have, what tactics it will use to fight, and what the nature of possible upcoming military operations will be. After clarifying all this, it is possible to decide what kind of weapons we need. If there is no clear realization that regardless of the assistance provided to us, we will solve our problems by our own forces, and we will be the first to fight, then all that will remain hanging in the air. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that Europe is not an independent security factor in any case and connects its comprehensive security with the USA. Azerbaijan most likely makes its calculations based on the possible results of the presidential elections to be held in the United States. In the previous three years, against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, we managed to maintain a somewhat tolerable situation, but it is not an endless and inexhaustible resource, especially since our adversary is constantly waiting for the destabilization of the international situation, in order to try to solve its problems by force at the right moment,” he noted. our interlocutor.