The famous Armenian poet Paruyr Sevak was not only interesting in his verses, but also in real life…
Modest and even-tempered Paruyr could sometimes go off the rails in such a way as to make the audience’s jaws drop.
The story that we present to your attention happened at a time when Paruyr Sevak was not so famous among the public…
The great poet, although he did not like parties, crowded places, but, nevertheless, he sometimes graced the event with his presence…
Young Paruyr’s friend is invited to a party where “authoritative and honorable people” of the city were present. In order not to go alone, his friend asks Paruyr to go with him…
It turns out that Paruyr is a little late and arrives when his friend has already entered. Upon arrival, Sevak tries to enter, but the hall’s security guards do not let him in…
The reason was that Paruyr had gone to the given party in ordinary, inconspicuous clothes, and entry was allowed only with a suit and a presentable appearance.
And although Sevak was just beginning to walk the path of his fame, the so-called elite of the city had already heard about him.
Knowing that Paruyr Sevak is outside, some of the guests scold the security guards for not recognizing Paruyr Sevak and not letting him in. However, a Sevak would not be a Sevak, if he entered “with a blessing”…
He leaves the salon and returns after some time looking gorgeous in a suit. Sevak is greeted and accepted with great enthusiasm. When the barbecue is brought and served, Sevak takes the pieces of meat and puts them in his pocket…
Those present are stunned as to why this is being done. Sevak asks for the right to speak, stands up and says:
I noticed that many people were surprised to see me fit these charming pieces of barbecue meat in my pocket. Friends, you should not be surprised at all. I don’t do anything strange, I just act justly.
These colorful and varied foods are not mine, they belong to my suit, because it was not me who was allowed to enter the hall, but my suit, therefore all these foods and especially the pieces of barbecue belong to him.
Saying this, Sevak goes out, thanking him, and makes the audience hang their heads with his step.